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Staff enjoy mental well-being workshops

Guernsey Mind kindly offered the opportunity to some of the College staff to attend a series of short workshops on mental well-being

Sessions covered a wide variety of topics relating to our emotional well-being and mental health both at home and at work. The workshops also considered  different techniques and ideas to develop emotional resilience, personal growth, and relaxation. Specifically the sessions were

Week 1 – Course introduction and mental health in the workplace
Week 2 – Mental health & Relationships
Week 3 – Mental Health and Nutrition
Week 4 – Decider Life Skills
Week 5 – Growth Mind-set
Week 6 – Mindfulness

Three member of College staff attended: Amanda Rickards – a technician who works in Hospitality & Catering; Mark Pratt, one of our Engineering lecturers and Alison McDonald who lectures in Business, Management and Finance.

Amanda said: “It was truly enlightening and helpful for everyday life, both for work and home life. If the chance comes along again for staff to take part I would definitely encourage them to do so”

Mark said: “I thought the structure of the course was very good. The fact that we had presentations from a wide variety of practitioners/professionals allowed me to experience a variety of presenting styles and content. I see the key to good well-being as individuals having a wide variety of tools at their disposal to combat difficult/stressful times, as well as identifying the signs of them earlier. This course has added to my personal toolbox, and for that I am extremely grateful.”

Alison said: “This was an insightful programme which gave an overview of well-being: from its importance, realities of stress and anxiety, to coping mechanisms and relaxation techniques.  The facilitators were passionate, knowledgeable and credible. I really appreciated the experience and have taken away some valuable learning points for myself and my learners.”